Watch a snippit of Patricia's interview with Edmore

Watch a snippit of Patricia's interview with Edmore
It's FREE! And very inspiring!

Monday, October 15, 2007

Exploring a different facet of your talent

Over the past two weeks, I’ve been working on a project on the African Child. This has seen me trying different genres of writing. I am trying to turn PowerPoint presentation handouts into material that will eventually be posted onto the internet.
I could have just copied what is written in these handouts and pasted it onto a webpage. My task would have been done in a day. But, I didn’t do that. No, I didn’t do that. I gave myself the challenge of trying to present this information in the way that both informs and entertains the reader.
The task has not been easy… Using the information that is on the handouts, I have begun to write short stories. These short stories contain and illustrate the information taken from the handouts. It is not an easy task: it demands a lot of attention, creativity and skill.
Yes, it’s been hard work... But I love it!
It has given me an opportunity to explore a different facet of my talent: I get to discover how to plot a story from scratch; I get to create spoken and silent conversation among the characters in my stories; I get to paint pictures in my readers’ mind using my pen; I get to raise my readers’ suspense, to entertain them, to educate them and to thrill them. I get to do so much more!
It is not much of a big deal for me to write another poem. Nor is it to write another newsletter on a Friday. Nor is it to write another one of the periodical reports at work. But to write a short story which aligns itself to a factual article is nothing routine. It is something out of the ordinary.
As we come to the closing of this week’s article, I want to encourage you to explore a different facet of your talent and see how far it takes you. Be Inspired.

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