Watch a snippit of Patricia's interview with Edmore

Watch a snippit of Patricia's interview with Edmore
It's FREE! And very inspiring!

Friday, October 5, 2007

89 Days To Go: It’s Time You Put Your House In Order

Since 2002, I’ve made it a habit to finish the year by writing down all the things that I wanted to achieve in the coming year, an exercise known as goal-setting.

I did the same last year and came up with eight mega goals: Big Hair-raising Audacious Goal (BHAGs). Of these goals, two I’ve achieved and the rest are still work in progress.

However, the likelihood of accomplishing all my goals remains in the balance as we are now close to year end: There are only 89 days left between now and December 31st.

What am I going to do? I’m glad you asked. Here’s what I’m going to do:

1. First, get a grip of myself
I need not panic. The year is not yet over. There are still 89 days to go. And who knows what God will do between now and December 31st. It’s a lie that if I do not accomplish all my dreams I’m a failure. I only need to stay cool.

2. Second, review progress on each of my goals
I don’t know about you but I think two out of eight is pretty good. Especially when I consider that I am making progress on the other six. Now, what I am going to do is look at each of these goals in order to ascertain where exactly I am towards the achievement of each of my goals and how much further I need to go in order to achieve my goals. I am also going to look at what could be or can be hindering me from achieving these goals.

3. Third, chart out a plan of action
I am going to identify and commit myself to the actions that I need to take to achieve my goals. If I see that the effort that I need in order to achieve all of them is too much I am going to either extend the deadline to some of them or put some of them off for next year. (Avoid outside pressure to perform.)

4. Fourth, take action
I am going to do those things that I would have committed myself to do on step 3.

As the year draws to an end some of us may feel a little agitated at the progress that we have made towards the attainment of our goals. I write to tell you that the year is not yet over. There are still 89 days to December 31st and until then you have enough time to put your house in order. Even if you know you do no accomplish everything that you had on your original goal list. Guess what? You need not feel bad about yourself. You can carry over some of these goals to next year.

Be Inspired.

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