Watch a snippit of Patricia's interview with Edmore

Watch a snippit of Patricia's interview with Edmore
It's FREE! And very inspiring!

Monday, November 26, 2007

How bright is your night?

So, you say the odds that are against you are to much
to bear? You cannot believe that what God promised
you can come to pass? Well, take a look at the life of
Abraham and let him show you how to come to grips
with the plans and purposes that God has for your life.
Nothing is TOO BIG for God. Enjoy!

He looked up at the heavens. "One, Two, Three, Four
…," he began to count the stars that hang in the sky. It
wasn't before long that he lost count. “Look up at the
heavens and count the stars… So shall be your
offspring," the words rang in his mind again.

“As many as the stars…” Abraham began. “Wow!” he
exclaimed after a brief moment of silence. Excitement
written all over his face, Abraham simultaneously raised
his eyes and hands as if to reach out to the heavens.

Shining its brightest over the past weeks, the moon
gave such an illumination on the camp that Abraham
could see the steady death of activity in the camp. The
camp was now totally deserted except a handful of his
fighting men whom he could see patrolling the camp.

Smoke drifted from the remains of fires that were the
habitation of children, men and feeble hands as they
awaited the evening meal. Abraham could still hear the
songs, shouts and laughter of children at their play; the
hoarse voices of men discussing the day; and the silent
hum of women bent over the stew pot at the cooking

Standing along the outskirts of the camp, Abraham felt
the evening breeze grow colder. Succumbing to the
growing strength of the coolness, he turned to face the
camp and made his way down into the camp. On
reaching his tent, he entered, gave his wife a gaze,
smiled, and then joined her on the mat. He embraced
her. "You are going to be with child," he thought to

Be Inspired.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Do It Anyway: Mother Theresa’s Philosophy

Short, but very insightful, Mother Theresa’s philosophy reminds us that we each carry a responsibility to humanity and that, despite all the risks we face when we set out to fulfill it, all we can do is to carry it out.

Mother Theresa’s philosophy is that:

If you are kind people will accuse you of selfish motives, be kind anyway.

If you are successful, you will win both false friends and real enemies, succeed anyway.

The good you do today, most people will forget, do good anyway.

Give the world the best you have and it may not be enough, give the best anyway.

In the final analysis it is between you and God, it was never between you and them anyway.

Be Inspired.