Watch a snippit of Patricia's interview with Edmore

Watch a snippit of Patricia's interview with Edmore
It's FREE! And very inspiring!

Friday, July 27, 2007

What’s your excuse – part 3?

At some point in time we’ve all had a wild dream.
Instead of pursuing that dream to its realization, some
of us have allowed our circumstances to get in the
way of the dream.

Some of the circumstances that we have allowed to
get in the way of the dream have turned out to be
nothing but mere excuses – not always because
we’ve been lazy, but because someone else has
found themselves faced by the same predicament as
ours and, nevertheless, gone ahead to pursue their
dream to its realization.

We’ve never got to look or figure out another avenue to
our dreams. This is especially true when we look at
the excuse, “I don’t have the skill.”

It is true. Sometimes we do not posses the skills that
we require to pursue our dream and bring it to
realization. We have this big dream and all, but the
missing link is your ability to follow through with all or
some parts of the dream.

What, then, do you do?

Why not try one of the following?

1. Learn the skill
Just as you were taught how to read and write, you
can be taught how to do what you need to do to
realize your dream. No, this does not necessarily
mean you have to go back behind a desk again. (Yea!
Thank God for that.) Today, learning can also be done
in the comfort of your home and still be as effective as
going to school. You can, for example, do a course
on how to write a book through the internet. All you
need is the discipline to do it.

2. Let someone else to do it
This will be at a cost in most cases, of cause. If a
friend or a relative will not do the thing that you want
done for you for free or at a cost, I am sure you can
get someone else to do it at a cost. Yes, the cost of
getting someone else to do it may cost you an arm
and a leg, but that may be the only way forward if you
really want to see your dream come true.

One of the greatest dreamers of the twentieth century,
Walt Disney, once said, “If you can DREAM IT, you
can DO IT.” Don’t you think that it would be foolish of
us to limit our interpretation of this statement to “we’d
(personally) do it?” Don’t you see the sense in
employing the interpretation that “we could also get
others to do it for us?” If you choose the latter, you’ll
soon come to realize that you have LITTLE or NO
EXCUSE for failing to realize that BIG DREAM that
you have.

Be Inspired.

This is the third and last part of an exciting
series on the excuses that people make for
not dreaming or not pursuing their dreams.

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