Watch a snippit of Patricia's interview with Edmore

Watch a snippit of Patricia's interview with Edmore
It's FREE! And very inspiring!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

It is not everyday that I read a book written for WOMEN but....

It is not everyday that I read a book written for WOMEN but that is exactly what I have been doing since Sunday evening and I am not ashamed to tell you this.

There are dozens of audio books that I have loaded onto my laptop and one of them is titled "CAPTIVATING".  I have never read this book before, nor have I ever head anybody talking about it, but I just stumbled upon it as I was looking for something to listen to as I lay in bed on Sunday evening.  I fell asleep while it was still playing so replayed it yesterday morning as I was preparing for work.

CAPTIVATING is a captivating book on the beauty of the woman.  It's an excellent book on the desire of the woman to be "CAPTIVATING".  It clearly explains the root of this desire and how it is sometimes extinguished by a person's life experiences. The book also reassures women that they are beautiful and capable of being captivating regardless of what life throws at them.

For women, this book is a must read. It will liberate you and change your world.

I also recommend this book to the men. It will help you liberate the women that are around you and give you helpful insights on their psychology.  It will also teaching you a thing or two on parenting your daughters and liberating your wives.

This is a good book for everyone. Do not just hear it from me.  Go out and get your copy today.

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