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Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Doing Something Foolish?

Has anyone ever called you a fool?  If so, what had you done? And how did you feel about it?





Whatever feelings you had they must have been somewhat bad.

When your actions attract negative feedback from those around you or watching you it is natural for you to feel bad about yourself, reconsider your decisions and change your course of action.  While this is probably the most logical response to give to any such negative feedback, unfortunately, it is not always necessarily the wisest one.  These negative feelings that you have about yourself and the reverse of your decisions and actions only serve your best interests if the actions that you took cropped up from a wrong decision.

Nevertheless, this is not always the case. At times the people around you or watching you call you a fool in error: they can call you a fool because they do not understand your decisions and actions, do not see where you are going nor do they perceive any reward from what you are doing.  But you will be doing the right thing in a way that seems foolish to those around you or watching you.

When you are doing the right thing in a way that seems foolish to those around you or watching simply pay no attention to those that call you foolish and continue with what you are doing.  Maintain your focus and do not allow those that call you foolish to derail you from what you are doing.  For I have heard of many people who created their pathway to success by doing things that seemed foolish to those around them or watching them.  

What can stop you from creating your own pathway to success by doing things that are or may seem foolish to those around you and those watching you?

Be inspired.

1 comment:

john stanko said...

Brother Edmore,

You are a good writer, my friend. I love the look of your new blog. Sorry it took me so long to respond to your last email. I will do that now.

I think where decisions are concerned, we all must make decisions according to the witness that we have in our own heart. The writer of Proverbs said:

Each heart knows its own bitterness, and no one else can share its joy (Proverbs 14:10).

There is no one who can tell you that should or should not feel what you feel where a decision is concerned. If your desire is to make the best decision as you understand the will of God, then you will know what to do and no one can judge that -- although they will try.

I appreciate so much your insight and commitment to excellence. Keep up the good work and let me know how I can help you.

Your brother,

Dr. Stanko