I know you have one of them! Your salvation, your healing, your deliverance and how much God has blessed you are all testimonies that, if told, can lead people to Jesus.
I never thought of that, now you say?
I also had to make the same confession at certain point in time but I also went a little further to ask myself why I had not told others of my testimony.
Many Christians, me and you included, in many a case, do not share their testimonies not because they do not find the appropriate occasion to nor do they usually have no reason to but usually the case is that they are always ready with reasons not to.
That is too embarrassing an event for me to share with everyone; I am undressing myself by doing this; It will only expose my weaknesses; I really do not want anyone to know about my past are just a couple of the arguments we have to fight against before we give or refrain from giving your testimony?
Did you really meet Jesus?
Then, I want you to know that your testimony of any of your encounters with Him can lead someone to Jesus.
Let's take Jesus' encounter with the Samaritan woman, for instance [John 4:1-30]. She was a prostitute – 'one big secret' Jesus blew to her face. 28,29 'Then the woman left her waterpot beside the well and went back to the village and told everyone, "Come and meet a man who told me everything I ever did! Can this be the Messiah?" [John 4:28-29] Do you not suppose that some of the people asked for the details before they believed the 'story' before they started they 'streamed from the village to see him [Jesus]?'
I cannot but imagine the shame of a woman telling all her neighbours that she is a prostitute. How were they supposed to react? I guess this did not matter much to this woman. She had met Jesus. Everyone had to know this. Everyone had to believe this. That was more important to her than trying to hide her shameful past.
Did her testimony yield any results? Of course it did. The bible says 'the people came streaming from the village to see him [Jesus].'[John 4:30]
The people only started looking for Jesus after hearing this woman's testimony; a testimony that led to the exposure of this woman's immorality.
Fear of shame is only one of the reasons why Christians do not testify. If we can deal with this hindrance to our ability to testify of our encounters with Jesus, imagine how many people we can direct to Jesus.
Do not let anyone lie to you. You have a powerful testimony. It can direct someone to Jesus. Do not be afraid to testify - 'the Holy Spirit, God's gift, does not want you to be afraid of people…' [2 Tim 1:7]. God has taken away your shame and clothed you with righteousness.
Share your testimony!
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