Watch a snippit of Patricia's interview with Edmore

Watch a snippit of Patricia's interview with Edmore
It's FREE! And very inspiring!

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Inspiration vs. Desperation

I know a lot of us aren’t aware of this but it’s
something worth taking note of: There are only two
motives through which we operate in the world—
inspiration and desperation.

Inspiration is the arousal of the mind to special
unusual activity or creativity and desperation is the
loss of hope and surrender to despair. Thus inspiration
is a state in which your mind is stirred up to do
something about your situation and desperation is a
state in which in which all hope is lost or absent. The
good and bad of being in these two different states of
mind are what we want to look at today and over the
coming weeks.

When you’re inspired your emotions are low (√)
It is good to operate in a low emotional state. A low
emotional state guarantees you a high mental state. A
high mental state translates itself into creative ideas of
how you are going to get yourself out of or through a
situation. After you’ve come up with the idea you can
now map your path out of or through the situation.
Once you’ve mapped up this path you can now begin
to walk out of or through the situation. And you have
a great chance of success.

When you’re desperate your emotions are high (X)
High emotions speak only of destruction. High
emotions strongly correlate with a low mental state. A
low mental state inhibits your creativity and causes
you to lack the ability to think of a way out of or
through a situation. In a way, then, high emotions
that arise as a result of being desperation leave you

What drives you today?
If you choose to be driven by inspiration you’ll most
probably operate in a state where your emotions are
low and your mind is clear, which enables you to map
a path out of or through the situation. On the other
hand, if you choose to be driven by desperation you’ll
most probably operate in a state where your emotions
are high and your mind is clogged, which will most
likely leave you stuck.

It’s up to you – inspiration or desperation.

What drives you?

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