Watch a snippit of Patricia's interview with Edmore

Watch a snippit of Patricia's interview with Edmore
It's FREE! And very inspiring!

Friday, October 30, 2009

A God-given is born, not borrowed

Last week we began to talk about the characteristics of a God-given dream. We said that a God-given dream has seven distinct characteristics.  The first of these being that a God-given dream will overwhelm you.
The second characteristics, which we are going to look at today, is that a God-given dream must be born, not borrowed.

A God-given dream is not a copied solution to problems or something that you conjured up in your mind.  It is something that comes from God. Joel writes in his book:

And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions: [Joel 2:28]

A God-given dream is something that comes to you supernaturally – it is a divinely inspired solution to an existing or future problem.  You can ask God for it (the solution) or expected it from God but while you are still waiting for it you have no clue what it is until God shows it to you.

Be Inspired.

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What on Earth does A God-given Dream look like?

I have a dream and I am not really sure whether it is from God.

Have you ever come across such a question before? I'm sure you have… or, perhaps, you have asked someone such a question before? Maybe not in these exact words, but some others that mean the very same thing?

Well, today I want to start a series on the characteristics of a God-given dream.  There are seven characteristics and we are going to describe these characteristics over the next couple of weeks.  

Today we will describe the first one, which is that A God-given dream will overwhelm you.

A God-given is not usually something small, normal or safe.  God will give you a dream that is big, weird and scary; a dream that will take your breath away. The only thing that is instantly clear about any God-given dream is the final picture – what God wants you to do or what God wants you to become.  This picture may look a bit hazy at first but this is always the bit of the puzzle that you'll find easiest to solve.

 After seeing the final picture you then begin to ask yourself questions like How am I going to get there? What resources do I need to do this?  How long is it going to take? If this describes your reaction to your dream, then maybe it is a God-given dream.

Be Inspired.
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Friday, October 9, 2009

Is what you have really a VISION?

Is there a clear image or idea in your mind of what you want to have achieved in the next 5 years? 10 years? 25 years? or anytime in the future?

Yes? No? Maybe?

Well, let's talk about it a bit.  

Vision is an image or an idea of the future. It is the expected reality at the end of a specific time period – 5 years; 10 years; 25 years; or any other timeframe one may chose.

Vision is often mistaken for one of her cousins – mission, values, philosophy, goal, strategy – and many people look to them as vision.  

Mission means purpose: your vision is not your purpose.

Values are internal motivators for one's purpose; your vision is not the internal motivator for your purpose.

Philosophies are strongly held beliefs; your vision is not your strongly held beliefs.

A goal is what needs to be achieved in order to get what is wanted; your vision is not what you need to achieve.

Strategy is the way of achieving goals that are congruent with one's values, mission and vision; your vision is not your way of achieving goals.

Your vision is your image or idea of the future.

Is what you have really a vision?

Be Inspired.

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