Watch a snippit of Patricia's interview with Edmore

Watch a snippit of Patricia's interview with Edmore
It's FREE! And very inspiring!

Monday, February 28, 2011

Destined to Win

This week I have a poem for you. I was given this poem by a friend a couple of years ago and it has been a source of inspiration to me. I hope that it will inspire you as well.

He didn’t bring us this far to forsake us,
He will take us through the valley of the shadow of death.

He didn’t teach us to swim to let us drown,
He will hold up our heads in the turbulent waters.

He didn’t build His home in us to desert it,
He will make us His tabernacle.

He didn’t lift us up to let us down,
His righteousness will uphold us.

He didn’t win the Calvary battle to make us losers,
He will lead us to victory.

He did not die to make us lifeless,
But to give us life in its abundance.

He didn’t give up His throne to make us destitutes,
But to make us co-heirs with Himself.

He did not allow this to happen to destroy us,
But to shape us, mould us and build us up.

What the devil has meant for evil,
He has meant for good.

From time immemorial we were destined to WIN!

Yes, even when we seem to be loosing,
Destined to WIN!

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