Watch a snippit of Patricia's interview with Edmore

Watch a snippit of Patricia's interview with Edmore
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Thursday, March 18, 2010

Really, do you have faith in your abilities?

Last time, I closed my article with these few thoughts: Are you ready to save the day? Are you confident enough to say, “I can do it!” where no one cares to ask you? Can you offer a solution to the problem when everyone has long given up on the situation because they cannot see any possible solution in sight? Do you have faith in your abilities?

Today I want to ask you, “Really, do you have faith in your abilities?”

You know, faith in your abilities is demonstrated by your actions. If you just say that you have faith in your abilities and do nothing to change the situation, you are no different to the person that does not have faith in their abilities: You both do nothing to change the situation.

If you have faith in your abilities, you will do something to change the situations.

Consider the following situations that people once looked at and saw as situations that could not be changed.

1878-“Electric lights are unworthy of serious attention.”
1901-“No possible combination can be united into a practical machine by which men shall fly.”
1926-(from a scientist) “This foolish idea of shooting at the moon is basically impossible.”
1930-(another scientist) “To harness the energy locked up in matter is impossible.”

Well, there are people that had faith in their abilities and did something to change these situations; they came up with solutions to the problems that people faced because of these situations. They saved the day.

Are you ready to save the day? Will you be the one who will do something that will change the situation? Will you be the one who will come up with the solutions to the problems that people faced because of the situation? Really, do you have faith in your abilities?

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