Watch a snippit of Patricia's interview with Edmore

Watch a snippit of Patricia's interview with Edmore
It's FREE! And very inspiring!

Friday, May 2, 2008

Go for what you WANT without reservation

I first tried goal setting in 2003.  Up till 2006, I kept everything simple, dwelling more on pressing needs and 'obligations' (expectations imposed on me by other people).  This model of goal setting somehow worked quite well for me: I knew exactly what I was supposed to do, how to get it done and how to measure my success at my goals. But, it had one setback; it did not give me what I really wanted in my life.

Sometime towards the end of 2006, I sat down to draw up my goal achievement plan for 2007.  Unlike in the preceding four years, I chose to ignore the pressing needs and obligations but instead wrote down all the things that I had always wanted to do but had been sidelining in favour of pressing needs and obligations. To doing this, I asked myself the question: If I had all the time and money in the world what would I like to do this year?

The list of goals that I came up with saw me creating opportunity to visit four different countries for the first time, including Israel and Jordan; started work on my next book; get myself a car; spend over US$10 000.00 cash in one year; and started work on my website.

Some of the things that I have stated above may seem minor to you but if the truth be told there are some among us that have not created the opportunity to do some of these things.  Our lives circle around pressing needs and obligations.  We never get to do what we really want. We live a life of quiet desperation, so to say.

Goal setting can be a drudge.  It can also be a fun-filled exhilarating experience.  The difference comes from whether you do it to super impose pressing needs and 'obligations' or whether you make it your opportunity to chart your way closer to your hopes and dreams.  I'd suggest you make it the latter.   Go for what you WANT without reservation. Sometimes it just begins by asking yourself the question: If I had all the time and money in the world what would I like to do this year?

Be Inspired.        

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