Watch a snippit of Patricia's interview with Edmore

Watch a snippit of Patricia's interview with Edmore
It's FREE! And very inspiring!

Friday, January 4, 2008

Good morning 2008: Five Ways to Create a Great Life

It’s the start of a new year! Doesn’t it feel great? You have yet chance to create yourself a great life – a life that is full of both success and satisfaction.

Just as a reminder to all those that have been subscribed to us for over a year and a bonus to all those that joined us a little later, here’s how you create a great life.

And BIG! Let your imagination to run wild. Think of everything that you want in the great life that you want to create. Do not allow anything to place limitation to your imagination. Dream, dream and dream.

From dreams to goals: Counting on sheer luck has and will never take a man to his dream. After conceiving your dream you must make an action plan – a detailed plan of how you are going to achieve everything that you set out to achieve in the coming year. Just as a hint, make your action plan as detailed as possible for best results. [I will write explaining this next week.]

Achieve more? Yes. Take your action plan and start doing the things that it says you need to do in order to make your dreams come true. Each day do something that will take you closer to your dream. You might hate the discipline but I am 100% sure you will enjoy the reward!

As you dream more, prepare more and achieve more in 2008 it will be impossible for you not to grow more. No doubt, BIG dreams, A LOT of preparation and PLENTY of action will stretch you – it is meant to! But beyond that you need to constantly and progressively equip and train yourself for greater and continual achievement in life.

This is the biggest secret that I know of how to create a great life: Celebrate every success that you make along the journey to your greatness. I do not mean you throw a party every time there is an achievement. But do something that reminds you that you are an achiever: take a couple of friends out for pizza, make a fuss over a new discovery, just do something.

2007 may have not been as great as you’d wanted it to be but you have the chance to change that this year. From today onwards, you can dream more (and BIGGER), prepare more, achieve more, grow more and celebrate more.

Be inspired.

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